Mengwei LIN 林孟蔚

Popularization & Translation

1. Popularization | 学术科普

By summarizing and translating cutting-edge research, I aim to help bring interesting studies in economics to reach the Chinese audience. I mainly select research from economists I am familiar with, and discuss with them to ensure a thorough understanding and to produce accessible articles.


This is also part of my own academic training, thus focusing more on education, labor, and applied micro.


List of Articles | 科普文章列表:

  1. 天赋有别:读书基因与家庭资源分配(香樟经济学术圈)
    Innate Differences: Genes for Studying and Family Resource Allocation (CEC Post No. 3133)
  2. 上职校,选学校还是选专业?(香樟经济学术圈)
    Going to Vocational Education: School or Major? (CEC Post No. 3196)
  3. 本科留学:当地高考 vs 免试申请(香樟经济学术圈)
    Studying Abroad: Local Entrance Exam vs. Exam-exempt Application (CEC Post No. 3235)
  4. 雇个学徒:劳动经济学中的企业数据(香樟经济学术圈)
    Hiring an Apprentice: CBS data in Labor Economics (CEC Post No. 3277)
  5. 助学指导,改善就业潜力(香樟经济学术圈)
    Mentoring Improves Employment Prospects (CEC Post No. 3303)
  6. 原生家庭印记:性格与态度的传承(香樟经济学术圈) | 与彭启远合作
    Family Imprints: Transmission of Personality and Attitudes (CEC Post No. 3379), with Qiyuan PENG
  7. 促就业政策评估:多种DID串起故事(香樟经济学术圈) | 与孙韬怡合作
    Employment Policy Evaluation: Weaving a Story with Various DID Approaches (CEC Post No. 3414), with Taoyi SUN
  8. 现金补贴是“送子观音”吗?(香樟经济学术圈) | 与郑薇合作
    Can Cash Transfers Increase Birth Rates? (CEC Post No. 3561), with Wei ZHENG

2. Book Translation | 书籍翻译

Translation has been my routine activity during long breaks since I became a certified translator in 2017. I aim to “sculpt the text” (my translation philosophy), although it is often hard to achieve. Specializing in book translations in the Social Sciences, my published works are in Economics & Education, aligning with my own academic interests.


List of Publications | 译作与著作:


Translated From: Skidelsky, Robert. What’s Wrong with Economics?. Yale University Press, 2020.


Translated From: Koppl, Roger. Expert Failure. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Co-translator: Haochi CHEN | 与陈浩驰合译


Translated From: Schwarz, Christina V., Cynthia Passmore, and Brian J. Reiser. Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices. NSTA Press, 2017.

Translation Basics: Reading, Writing & Translation, Tsinghua Univeisty Press, Forthcoming

Co-author: Ming (Cynthia) LI | 与李明合著
Description: Our book offers an introduction to translation for Chinese-English proficient professionals outside translation-related fields, helping them develop essential translation skills while integrating their expertise.