Mengwei LIN 林孟蔚

Popularization & Translation

1. Popularization | 学术科普

By translating and summarizing cutting-edge research, I aim to help interesting international studies reach the Chinese audience and bridge the English- and Chinese-speaking academia. My articles will cover diverse institutional backgrounds and integrate discussions within China’s policy context.


This is also part of my own academic training, thus focusing more on education, labor, and applied micro. I select research from economists I am familiar with, and discuss with them to ensure a thorough understanding, so as to write readable and accessible articles.

这个过程也是我自己精读、积累文献的学术训练,因此主要选取教育、劳动和应用微观的论文。 我会尽量挑选自己熟悉的经济学家的研究,在编译过程中与他们讨论,确保理解透彻,呈现出可读、易读的内容。

List of Articles | 科普文章列表:

  1. 天赋有别:读书基因与家庭资源分配(香樟经济学术圈)
    Innate Differences: Genes for Studying and Family Resource Allocation (CEC Post No. 3133)
  2. 上职校,选学校还是选专业?(香樟经济学术圈)
    Going to Vocational Education: School or Major? (CEC Post No. 3196)
  3. 本科留学:当地高考 vs 免试申请(香樟经济学术圈)
    Studying Abroad: Local Entrance Exam vs. Exam-exempt Application (CEC Post No. 3235)
  4. 雇个学徒:劳动经济学中的企业数据(香樟经济学术圈)
    Hiring an Apprentice: CBS data in Labor Economics (CEC Post No. 3277)
  5. 助学指导,改善就业潜力(香樟经济学术圈)
    Mentoring Improves Employment Prospects (CEC Post No. 3303)
  6. 原生家庭印记:性格与态度的传承(香樟经济学术圈) | 与彭启远合作
    Family Imprints: Transmission of Personality and Attitudes (CEC Post No. 3379), with Qiyuan PENG

2. Book Translation | 书籍翻译

Translation has been my routine activity during long breaks since I became a certified translator in 2017. I aim to “sculpt the text” (my translation philosophy), although it is often hard to achieve. Specializing in book translations in the Social Sciences, my published works are in Economics & Education, aligning with my own academic interests.


List of Publications | 译作与著作:


Translated From: Skidelsky, Robert. What’s Wrong with Economics?. Yale University Press, 2020.


Translated From: Koppl, Roger. Expert Failure. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Co-translator: Haochi CHEN | 与陈浩驰合译


Translated From: Schwarz, Christina V., Cynthia Passmore, and Brian J. Reiser. Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices. NSTA Press, 2017.