Mengwei LIN 林孟蔚

Mengwei LIN

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About Me
Mengwei Lin

My name is Mengwei Lin. I am a PhD candidate at the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB), where I work with Andreu Arenas and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela, since Spring 2023. I am also attending the PhD Course Program in Economics of Education at the University of Zurich (Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON).

My interests lie in the Economics of Education, as well as Public, Labor and Demographic Economics; on the method side, I do causal inference, and am starting some structural adventures. I am also a popularization article writer & certified translator.

Prior to Barcelona, I worked at the China Development Institute (CDI, Public Policy Research Center, with WANG Mei) and as a freelance translator, after obtaining my Masters in Economics (with Distinction) from the SGPE Programme at The University of Edinburgh.

My first name "Mengwei" (孟蔚) has two syllables, meng (IPA: /məng/, audio here) and wei (as the word "way").